Glucose is metabolized in two pathways to fuel cellular
functions: glycolysis, which splits glucose, yielding little energy but providing pyruvate
and other materials for synthesis, and oxidative phosphorylation, which degrades glucose in the mitochondria and produces ~15-fold
more energy. Glucose uptake is a limiting in activated T lymphocytes through CD28 costimulation. Glucose metabolism is dysregulated in T lymphocytes of
patients with the autoimmune disease Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE, lupus, review).
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Normalizing T lymphocyte metabolism treats lupus autoimmunity
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Stem Cells: Unstable in Culture
Stem Cells
(SC) can differentiate into many different cell types, offering the potential
of replacing failing cells, tissues, or even entire organs with new ones
generated from the patient’s own or related donor SC (National Academy of
Sciences Workshop summary). To be useful for
therapy in the clinic, it would be necessary to grow and expand SCs in culture.
The authors explored the proliferation of human embryonic SC
(HESC), which are prepared from disrupted embryos, and the less-controversial human
inducible pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), which can be prepared from several
adult tissues, including blood, skin, and fat. They obtained 1 HESC line, WA09, from the
WiCell Research Institute and they generated 3 hiPSC lines from fetal dermal
fibroblasts by over-expressing the ‘standard reprogramming factors’ (pluripotency-conferring
genes, transduced OCT4/POU5F1, SOX2, KLF4, and MYC).
They compared four standard SC culture conditions: with or
without a feeder cell layer and enzymatic or “mechanical” (dissection)
disruption, with 6 replicate cultures per condition, for over 100 “passages”
(transfers to fresh cultures). Previous studies cited here revealed genomic
changes (small duplications) that are not detectable by karyotyping,
particularly on chromosome 12, where the pluripotency-related gene NANOG is
encoded, and chromosome 20, where the survival gene Bcl-xL is encoded. In addition to measuring proliferation, telomere
length, pluripotency by teratoma formation, they also analyzed over a million
reference SNPs around the genome and used those SNPs to assess copy number
variation (CNV).
Not surprisingly, genomic changes increased with time in culture, both in aberration number (A) and total length (B) (Figure 2, shown, WA09 HESC: left duplications and right deletions). The number of aberrations was lowest in “EcmMech” condition, i.e. cultures without feeder cells (only extracellular matrix, ECM), and disrupted mechanically (blue line). The number and length of aberrations was worst with MefEnz (green line), cultured with feeder cells (mouse embryo fibroblasts, Mef) and disrupted enzymatically. They conclude that there is a “need for careful assessment of the effects of culture conditions on cells intended for clinical therapies”.
“Increased Risk of Genetic and Epigenetic Instability in Human Embryonic Stem Cells Associated with Specific Culture Conditions” Garitaonandia et al. PLoS One 10(2), February 25, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Nurture Immunity: Immune system influenced more by environment than by genes
Differences in immune protection presumably explain why some
people exposed to infection resist disease or recover while others
succumb. These authors sought to distinguish the influences
of genes and environment on immunity. They compared the cellular and molecular components
of the immune system among 210 twins: 78 monozygotic (MZ, “identical”) and 27
dizygotic (DZ, fraternal) pairs. They measured
43 serum proteins and 72 immune cell populations repeatedly and longitudinally
(over time) to assess actual variations and account for technical
variations. MZ twins, who have
practically identical genomes, and DZ twins, who share half their genes, are
especially valuable for assessing the relative contributions of “nature or nurture” (genes or environment) to phenotype. Their analysis allowed them to detect as
little as 20% heritability.
The levels of few proteins and cell populations are under
strong genetic control, such as interleukin-6 and CD4+ “central memory” T
cells, but most are only weakly heritable or not at all (Fig 1). They found
that a common, chronic infection, by cytomegalovirus (CMV), influences the levels of most (58%) cell populations and
proteins (Fig 5). Variation
between twins increased as they age, probably reflecting different
environmental stimuli and epigenetic changes (Fig 4). Most intriguing, they correlate the
heritability of response to vaccines to the age of immunization, whereby early childhood vaccines
are highly heritable while vaccines after early adolescence have no detectable heritability
(Table 1, shown below).